Project Sessions
09.00 – 10.00 Coffee reception, Russian State University for the Humanities, Academic Council Hall
10.00 - 12.00 Russian State University for the Humanities, Academic Council Hall

I Project Session BRICS Humanitarian Platform

Horizontal Linkages and Humanitarian Infrastructure.

The image of the future of the BRICS countries in the eyes of young people.

  • Digital Media Platform as a tool for interaction between NGOs, universities and innovative companies of the BRICS countries.
  • Co-operative projects for the development of horizontal ties
  • Humanitarian media content of the BRICS countries
Dr. Prof. Olga PAVLENKO, Vice-Rector for Research at the Russian State University for the Humanities, Doctor of Sciences in History, Professor
Kirill KOSTIN, Director of the Knowledge Hub, Russian State University for the Humanities.

10.00-10.10 Kirill KOSTIN, Director of the Knowledge Hub, Russian State University for the Humanities.
10.10-10.20 Maria MATVEEVA, Director of the Russian-Austrian Public Forum Sochi Dialogue

10.20-12.00 Free discussion.
Anastasia POPOVA, founder, owner of +1 communication system, Chairperson of NGO Green Brands League

Dr. Shohreh PIRANI , Advisor on Women's Affairs to the Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Shahed University, Iran

Danil PUTILCEV, Deputy Director of the Federal Centre for Humanitarian Practices of federal state-owned publicly-funded institution of higher education Russian State University for the Humanities

Alexander SHABALTIN, CEO of the Centre for Development of Humanitarian Technologies "NEW ERA"

Jestin Anthony, co-founder, Noble Citizen Foundation, India

Alisa SHINKARUK, Director of NGO Changing the World

Caio Guilherme DA SILVA SANTOS, Head of Science and Technology of the Student Union of the University of São, Brazil (videoconferencing)

Alexander DASHICHEV, Head of Research and Expert Analysis of the Knowledge Hub, RSUH

Makhbula MAMADALIEVA, Executive Director, Republican non-state public association of Uzbekistani graduates of Russian higher education institutions, Uzbekistan

Ivan KULAKOV, RIO Youth Club Coordinator

Dr. Kairzhan ABDYKHALYKOV, Chairman of the Civic Alliance of Almaty, Kazakhstan

Dmitry IOFFE, Head and founder of the project Clean Games

Katsiaryna STSFANOUSKAYA, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation, Deputy Dean for International Cooperation and Internationalisation of Education of the Faculty of Sociocultural Communications of the Belarusian State University on a volunteer basis, Belarus

12:00 – 13:30 Russian State University for the Humanities

II Project Session

BRICS Research Centre Smart Civilization

Scientific and Expert Infrastructure for Monitoring BRICS Humanitarian Connections

  • BRICS Humanitarian Infrastructure Development and Connectivity Index
  • Index of the BRICS countries' humanitarian influence in the world
  • BRICS Social Wellbeing Index
  • BRICS School of Long-Term Investment
Oleg KOSTIN, Chairman of the Board of NGO Smart Civilization
Marine VOSKANYAN, Director of the Smart Civilization Institute, Analyst of the Knowledge Hub, Russian State University of Humanities (RSUH)

12.00-12.10 Maxim KOMAROV, Chairman of the Partnership Council of the National Centre for Social and Humanitarian Projects

12.10-12.20 Dr.Elena VRUBLEVSKAYA, Head of the Centre for the Development of Pedagogical Education of the Russian Academy of Education (RAE), Corresponding Member of RAE, Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy

12.20-12.30 Dr. Prof. Vera ZABOTKINA, Acting Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Advisor to the Rectorate for International Activities, Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Philology

12.30-13.30 Free discussion.

Dr. Prof. Sanjay DESHPANDE, Director, Department of Eurasian Studies, University of Mumbai, India

Pramod RAI, Research Fellow, Centre for Central Eurasian Studies, University of Mumbai, India

Dr. Mikhail AFANASYEV, Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Acting State Counsellor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class

JIAN Lian, Investment Partner at Beijing Hengce, expert in industry, manufacturing and geopolitics, China

Dr. Garth LE PERE, Professor Extraordinaire, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Vladimir TIMAKOV, Analyst of the Knowledge Hub, RSUH

Dr. Marta FERNANDEZ , BRICS Policy Center’s Director, Brazil

Dr. Mohammad Sadegh SAREMI, Assistant Professor, Head of the Knowledge Economy Division, Institute of Technological Research (Tehran), Advisor to the Deputy of Policymaking at Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iran

Dr. Preeti DAS, Associate Professor, Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

Dr. Vladimir PARAMONOV, Head of the Department of the Coordination and Methodological Centre for Contemporary History of Uzbekistan at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Sciences in Political Science, Uzbekistan

Dr. Mihran SHAHZADEYAN, Chairman of the Board of the Armenian Association of Political Scientists, Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Armenia

Dr. Ekaterina TIMOSHENKOVA, Leading Researcher in the Department of Social and Political Studies of Europe, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Sciences in History

13.30-14.30 Lunch, RSUH Column Hall

BRICS Aerospace Club

International humanitarian platform.

  • Humanitarian infrastructure for space popularization and interdisciplinary research.
  • Aerospace education and enlightenment
  • Space. Lifestyle. International youth co-operation
Sergey KRIKALEV, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cooperation in Space, Co-Chairman of the Forum, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of NGO Smart Civilization

16.00-16.10 Dr. Mikhail GORDIN, Rector of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Candidate of Sciences in Technology, Russian engineer, scientist in the field of aircraft engines

16.10-16.20 Sergey KRIKALEV, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cooperation in Space, Co-Chairman of the Forum, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of NGO Smart Civilization

16.20-16.30 Dr. Prof. Andrey LOGINOV, Acting Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Doctor of Sciences in Political Science, Candidate of Sciences in History, Professor, Co-Chair of the Forum

16.30.-16.40 Dr. Prof. Victoria MAYOROVA, Head of the Youth Space Centre for Education and Research, Doctor of Sciences in Technology, Professor of the Department of Spacecraft and Launch Vehicles

16.40.-16.50 Evgeny KUZNETSOV, Chief Executive Officer of Orbita Capital Partners

16.50.-17.00 Elena KLIMOVICH, absolute world and European aerobatics champion

17.00.-17.10 Dr. Rodolfo LATERZA, President of the Brazilian Police Association (ADEPOL)

17.10.-17.30 Greetings (video presentation) from foreign pilots and cosmonauts

17.30.-18.00 Free discussion.