Academic Council Meeting Hall, Russian State University for the Humanities

10:00-11:00 Coffee Reception, registration of guests

Grand opening of the Forum. Welcoming speeches.

Dr. Prof. Andrey LOGINOV, Acting Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Doctor of Sciences in History, Candidate of Sciences in History, Professor, Co-Chair of the Forum

11.00-11.05 Dr. Prof. Andrey LOGINOV, Acting Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Doctor of Sciences in Political Science, Candidate of Sciences in History, Professor, Co-Chair of the Forum

11.05-11.10 Konstantin MOGILEVSKY, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (by agreement)

11.10-11.15 Valery FADEEV, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, Academic Director of the Institute of Heritage and Contemporary Society of the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH)

11.15-11.20 Dr. Olga VASILYEVA, President of the Russian Academy of Education (RAE), Academician of the RAO, Doctor of Sciences in History

11.20-11.25 Dmitry PESKOV, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Digital and Technological Development (video recording)

11.25-11.30 Dr. Mikhail GORDIN, Rector of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Candidate of Sciences in Technology (by agreement)

11.30-11.35 Dr. Alexander CHUBARIAN, Academic Director of the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), President of the State Academic University of Humanities, Academician of the RAS, Doctor of Sciences in History (videoconferencing)


"The Future of the BRICS Countries in a Multipolar World.

Humanitarian and Long-Term Dimensions"

Sergey KRIKALYOV, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cooperation in Space, Co-Chair of the Forum, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of NGO Smart Civilization
Dr. Prof. Olga PAVLENKO, Vice-Rector for Research of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Doctor of Sciences in History, Professor

11.40-11.50 Sergey KRIKALYOV, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cooperation in Space, Co-Chair of the Forum, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of NGO Smart Civilization

11.50-12.00 Hazem ZAKI, Deputy Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Regional Economic Organizations' Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Sous-sherpa of the Arab Republic of Egypt to BRICS, Egypt

12.00-12.10 Badma BASHANKAEV, Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Health Protection of the Russian Federation

12.10-12.20 Dawood Al SHEZAWI, President of AIM Global Foundation, United Arab Emirates (videoconferencing)

12.20-12.30 Alexey PISCHULIN, Director of the Federal Centre for Humanitarian Practices

12.30-12.40 Dr. Prof. Santishree Dhulipudi PANDIT, Vice-chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru University, Member of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Development of the Government of India, India (videoconferencing)

12.40-12.50 Dr. Shohreh PIRANI , Advisor on Women's Affairs to the Head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI), Shahed University, Iran


13.00-13.10 Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Farhan THANI, Founder and CEO of Al Farhan Attorneys and Legal Consultants, Manama, Bahrain

13.10-13.20 Dr. Rodolfo LATERZA, President of the Brazilian Police Association (ADEPOL), Brazil

13.20-13.30 Dr. Mikhail REMIZOV, Head of the Expert Council of NGO Smart Civilization, Deputy CEO for Strategy and Organizational Development of JSC United Engine Corporation, Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy

13.30– 14.30
Lunch, RSUH Column Hall


"Man and Civilization. The Role of Humanitarian and Long-Term Investment Infrastructure of the BRICS Countries in Projects of the Future"

Oleg KOSTIN, Chairman of the Board of NGO Smart Civilization
Dr. Mikhail REMIZOV, Head of the Expert Council of NGO Smart Civilization, Deputy CEO for Strategy and Organizational Development of JSC United Engine Corporation, Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy

14.30-14.40 Sandeep MARWAH, President of the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry of India, Chairman of the National Media and Entertainment Committee of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Member of Advisory Board of the Ministry of Education, President of the Asian Academy of Film & Television, India (videoconferencing)

14.40-14.50 Dr. Prof. WU Yuhua, Prof., Executive President of Shanghai Zhangjiang Hightech Park Development, Yangtze River Delta Sci-tech City, President of China Council of Foreign-Invested Enterprises SYIFA, Standing Member of Shanghai Committee of the Chinese people's political consultative conference, China.

14.50-15.00 Dr. Hossein EIVAZLOU, Member of the Executive Board of the National Development Fund of Iran (NDFI), Iran

15.00 -15.10 Dan MEDOVNIKOV, Editor-in-Chief of the innovation magazine Stimul

15.10-15.20 Dr. Rasigan MAHARAJ, Fellow of the South African Academy of Sciences, Founding Chief Director of the Institute for Economic Research on Innovation at Tshwane University of Technology, Chairperson of the Southern Africa Node of the Millennium Project, South Africa

15.20-15.30 Evgeny KUZNETSOV, General Director of Orbita Capital Partners

15.30-15.40 Dr. Marta FERNANDEZ, BRICS Policy Center’s Director, Brazil

15.40-15.50 Kibrom Hailu TAFERE, Entrepreneur, Secretary General of the Ethiopian Professional Association of Surveyors, Ethiopia

15.50-16.00 Marcos PONTES, Senator from the State of São Paulo, Brazil (videoconferencing)

16.00-16.30 Coffee break, Academic Council Chamber

16.30-16.40 Alexander LOSEV, Chief Executive Officer of Sputnik Capital Management Asset Management Company

16.40-16.50 Dr. Prof. Sanjay DESHPANDE, Director, Department of Eurasian Studies, University of Mumbai, India

16.50-17.00 Ricardo HARDUIM, Director of Projects and Institutional Relations, NGO PRIMA - Atlantic Forest and Sustainable Development, Brazil

17.00-17.10 Sergey KARJAKIN, Russian grandmaster, world champion in rapid and blitz chess

17.10-17.20 Dr. Alexander BURENKOV, entrepreneur, Director of the N.Y. Danilevsky Institute, Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy

17.20-18.00 Closing of the plenary part of the Forum
  • Adoption of the Smart Civilization Charter

19.00 -20.00 – Dinner